UHP Ladle Furnace Graphite Electrode

Çmimi: Me Marrveshje
UHP Ladle Furnace Graphite Electrode


31 mars 2023 03:04
Biznes & Punësime > Makineri dhe inventare
Kosovë > Rajoni i Gjakovës > Junik


Product Description

Graphite electrode mainly petroleum coke, needle coke as raw material, coal pitch as binder, calcination, ingredients, kneading,molding, baking and graphitization, machining and made, which is released in electric arc furnace in the form of arc conductor of electricity to heat melting furnace charge, with low resistivity, good conductivity, low ash, uniform and compact structure, good oxidation resistance, high mechanical strength, etc.
Our company produces Graphite Electrode , Recarburizer , Premelting Refining Slag , Please contact us if necessary , Email: [email protected] , Web: https://www.bhcarbongraphite.com/

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